Personalised Man Cave or Add Your Own Text Signs in Wood or Metal
Made in our barn on the farm, our plaque is custom-made with your choice of wording. The design is entirely integrated into the sign. This gives it a completely smooth, glossy finish making it appropriate for a variety of uses. Ideas for text you could have include: Dad's Man Cave; Paul's Pool Room; Sam's Shed.
The metal signs are made of light aluminium with a brushed silver back. The medium 15x10cm sign is also available in HDF wood. This has a dark brown back and sides with the glossy design on the front of the plaque. It is heavier and thicker than the metal sign. If you select the hanging option, jute string is attached to the back of the sign to keep the design complete.
Write your choice of wording in the blank boxes on this page before adding the product to your shopping cart. If you want more than one sign with different text, font or attachments, add them individually, otherwise all the signs will be done the same.
a) Wording: Remember to include punctuation and capitals where appropriate. If you want a particular layout, do not press enter; instead signal a new line using a / between the words, with a maximum of four lines; otherwise we will do the layout which we think best suits the text and size of the sign.
b) Font: Choose from the photograph of fonts. If you omit this information we will use Times New Roman italic. Contact us if you want a font that is not listed.
c) Attachment: Let us know if you would like sticky pads, magnets, a hanging ribbon from two holes in your sign, screw holes or no attachment. Screw holes cannot be put in the wooden sign.
If we are missing your text, we will contact you. We can send a picture of your sign for approval if you request it in the 'Special Instructions' box when checking-out.
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