Apps for Hearts and Minds March 12 2014
There are so many apps that make us 'appy we thought we'd share some useful ones with you this week. We love 'This Day in History' in the community based learning app Learnist, making sure we never forget. The significance of today? 25 years since Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the internet. Alternatively, make sure you never forget with one of our custom-made 'Before You Go' signs in our 'Vital Signs' collection so that you never leave the house without those car keys again. What would you want on your list?

Another important event is Salt Awareness Week with the aim of making us just that little bit more healthy. To help your heart, try the SaltSwitch app. This scans barcodes on packaged foods & suggests low salt alternatives, helping you to keep to the recommended 6g/day maximum. Alternatively try one of our vintage salt-free signs instead...well almost!
If this post has taken you too long to read, try the app Spritz, we wrote about in our reading blog,to increase your reading speed dramatically - great except it's currently only available for Samsung devices. Shame they couldn't speed up its roll out too.