Time to Read October 14 2015

'Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in' (Arthur Schopenhauer).  How pertinent this thought is, after the announcement of the winner of the Man Book Prize.  Marlon James' novel on the attempted assassination of Bob Marley is a rather hefty 703 pages long. No matter how magnificent the writing, if the thickness of a text, gives you second thoughts as to whether you have the time to read it, we are here to help.

Firstly take a look at our new wooden sign "Busy Reading: Do Not Disturb' at http://bit.ly/1LL8qQ9 Perfect for hanging on your door so that you can lose yourself in a good book.  It comes with a choice of attachments including rustic jute string or the cottage chic look and you can even personalise the wording to add someone's name or change the text entirely.  If you need a unique present for a keen but harassed reader, this could be it.

Need some inspiration before diving into a good book?  Our Pinterest board 'Words for Book Worms' has lots of motivational quotations which will make you appreciate that reading is a must, not an option.  Take a peek at: http://bit.ly/1OaRR5E

If you are worried that sitting still and reading for all that time could be damaging your health then there is good news.  New research from the University of Exeter and University College London has challenged claims that sitting for long periods increases the risk of an early death, no matter how much exercise you do.  It is actually the sitting or even standing completely still that is the problem.  So if you are a sitter and fidgeter as you read, don't worry about wiling away the hours.  

Still little worried about taking the time to read? Spare a moment to look at our short blog on 'How to Read Quickly' at  http://bit.ly/1gaV3Kb This has lots of tips about how to whizz through novels in no time at all.  No purchase of time, needed.